Wednesday, April 20, 2011

game time

Hilary over at The Young and Naive has tagged me in a celeb crush game.
Normally I don't like to voice these things to the whole wide public. But honestly, I need a break from the big pile of books that have my name written all over them.

So here it is: I tell you my celeb crushes, tag 5 other bloggers and then abra-cadabra, magic happens and you tell me!

paul walker

adam scott

josh duhamel
chuck wicks. and yes, this is quite a memorable moment in time for me ;)
[I'm not pathetic or anything...]

I'm not going to tag anyone because I want whoever wants to play to do it!
Just please link back to me here :)


1 comment:

Hilary Ayers-Kurtz said...

I feel you girl, I normally don't like these things but finals = horrible, so I took a break! I'm glad you did too and um, Paul Walker is yuuuumy. Also jealous of that last picture!

Good luck with school!