Monday, July 11, 2011

time to play catch up!

Was my last post really that long ago?!
slacker major. sorry.

Summer started off a little hectic, trying to figure out how to balance hours at work and internship with 
all of the fun I want to have too. Throw in the fact that I was sick for two weeks and blogging has kind of
gone down on the priority list.
Plus, I've been having a little fun here and there. :)

For the 4th of July, I went up to my friend's uncle's house and we boated and laid out on the 
dock just soaking up the sun and enjoying life.  

Last Friday I went to a rodeo with some of my girls.

And yesterday was our first float on the river for the summer.

And in between all of that I have been trying to workout and eat better.

I've also got a couple secrets up my sleeve. ;)
If things keep up then you'll be the first to know. pinky swear.

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