I Believe

I believe 100% that Jesus Christ came in the flesh and died for me because He loves me and wants me to have life.
[John 3:16]

I believe that if I confess that I accept and receive this gift of life then I will be a member of his family.
[Romans 10:9]

I believe that one day he will come again to save me from the pain of this world and take me into Heaven to live with him for all of eternity.
[John 14:1-4]

I believe that life on this earth will not always be easy, but that we will all go through trials and it is how we react to them and grow in character and draw closer to God that matters.  He is always good no matter what the circumstances are on earth.
[1 John 1:5, 1 John 4:8]

I believe all of this by faith.
[Hebrews 11:1, Habakkuk 2:4, Luke 17:6]