Friday, April 29, 2011

what a fairy tale

Can we just acknowledge how stunning the Middleton family is?!

Like the rest of the world, I too have been captivated by the fairy tale of the Duke and Duchess.
[that's kinda fun to say!]

It kind of makes me wish for my prince charming to hurry up and find his way to me! :)

Wednesday, April 27, 2011


{boots: can't remember, jeans: pacsun, tank: AE, sweater: old navy, vest: hollister, jewelry: gift}

...I like awkward moments. In fact, sometimes I like to create them because I can see
how hilarious they will be.

...I like to light a candle when it's raining and turn off all the lights and just listen.

...I wish I had a sweet accent.

...I want to conquer my fear of heights. That usually lasts about 5.3 seconds.

...I buy, hide and eat a whole bag of M&Ms.

...I worry that I will never make it out of school alive and that I won't be able to apply my
knowledge in real life. (thankfully my work at the hospital has put that fear to rest!)

...I just need to have a good cry.

...I want an exotic pet. Ya know, like a tiger or something!

...I treat myself to a whole night of movies, manicures and playing catch-up on celeb gossip.

What about YOU?!

by the way, are you going to watch the royal wedding tomorrow?
I've got my DVR all set.

this is GENIOUS!

I saw a commercial for these yesterday and can I just say...YES PLEASE!!!
I love almond joys and would like to dip my little hands into a bag of those.

Buuuut, no sweets for me! I'm already feeling better and today when I worked out I could already tell a bit of a difference. And that's after just one day.

ps. I'm loving sweats today.

Monday, April 25, 2011

I double dog dare you

{shoes: target, jeans: AE, tank: AE, shirt: charlotte ruse, cardigan: macys, necklace: AE}

You know a double-dog-dare means you HAVE to do it right?
Okay, good. Glad we're on the same page.

I've been thinkin' (and you know what that means). I really want to do something to stretch myself.
Ya something out of the ordinary, a little uncomfortable, and grow a bit.

Then join me!
I've decided that for the next week I am not going to consume any sugar. Except for natural sugar like fruit.
I'm going to start substituting good things for the dessert and sweet things that I looooong for every evening.
Usually I do pretty good during the day, but oh boy watch out- once evening comes I get the munchies and
before I know it I've eaten like 4 cookies.
7 days doesn't sound very long honestly. And truth be told I will probably go longer, but I just want to feel and look better for now. Next week I'm thinking I want to do a new challenge!
[yep, I've got one in mind!]

But for now will ya join me and not eat any sweets (or junk food, just do what you can!) for the next
7 days?

I'll report back and let you know how I'm doing! I pinky swear.

By the way! MAJOR SIDE NOTE: did anyone see the new J.Crew catalog? I think I'd do just fine with a whole new wardrobe of their spring line! obsessed.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

happy monday!

"Wherever you go, no matter what the weather, always bring your own sunshine."
~ Anthony J. D'Angelo

Happy Monday loves!

summatime is a blink away

Swimsuit season is a-comin' ladies!
I just bought myself a new one and am so excited for a chance to wear it!

I'm addicted to anything and everything stripes these days.
So I got me this little number:

With matching bottoms of course.

Anywho, I'm excited for days at the river and gettin' all tanned uppp.

Oh, and wouldn't this be nice?

I think that chair has my name on it.
Hey, a girl can dream right?

Thursday, April 21, 2011

these are my confessions

I got an idea from this girl and this girl (I love both of their blogs!) for a
confessions post.

1. I confess that I rarely ever make my bed. I'm more of a "throw-the-covers-back-over-the-mattress-so-the-bed-looks-made" kind of gal. (did I just say gal?)

2. I confess that I make a to-do list every single day. I usually fill it up with stuff that needs to be done over the course of 3-4 days and get overwhelmed when I don't cross off at least half the list. (I like to give myself stress headaches...)
(I need one like this!)

3. I confess that sometimes when I have nothing to do I will work out for the second or sometimes even third time that day.
(that's so bad.)

4. I confess that I still sometimes rock out to 90's music and sing into my hairbrush. Okay...I do this more than sometimes... ;)

5. I confess that if I see a snake I will cry. And not just a couple of tears. We are talking full on bawl-fest and sometimes there is fainting involved.
(I literally almost threw up when I googled "snakes")

6. I confess that I watch old re-runs online. My favorites are The Nanny, I Love Lucy, I Dream of Jeenie, and Golden Girls. (I'm so pathetic)

7. I confess that I am a little OCD. I didn't realize this until I lived on my own, but I cannot stand not having a clean room. (minus the bed thing obv.) I vacuum at least twice a week and dust about the same. I love my clean space!

8. I confess that the thought of eating, smelling, or looking at beef stew makes me nauseated.
Even when I was little I couldn't ever eat it. So then I would be forced to finish it at breakfast the next day. You could say I'm scarred for life.

9. I confess that when I am on the phone sometimes I completely zone out and just say "uh-huh" while I am really doing something else. (I cannot believe I just confessed that)

10. I confess that I have the worst luck with all kinds of technology and that I swear I will declare world war 3 on it someday. My current phone is all taped up so that it won't fall apart anymore and the hinge on my laptop completely broke one day. I would also like to say that no I didn't drop either one. They just hate me. Along with all the other technology that's been in my life.

Got any juicy confessions yourself?

Have a fab earth day and wonderful EASTER weekend friends!

a quickie

{shoes: target, pants: ross, shirt, necklace: AE, bracelet, ring: gift}


I'm swamped today. Sorry for the boring post.
Have a very happy thursday friends!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

game time

Hilary over at The Young and Naive has tagged me in a celeb crush game.
Normally I don't like to voice these things to the whole wide public. But honestly, I need a break from the big pile of books that have my name written all over them.

So here it is: I tell you my celeb crushes, tag 5 other bloggers and then abra-cadabra, magic happens and you tell me!

paul walker

adam scott

josh duhamel
chuck wicks. and yes, this is quite a memorable moment in time for me ;)
[I'm not pathetic or anything...]

I'm not going to tag anyone because I want whoever wants to play to do it!
Just please link back to me here :)


a little sunshine for you

Here's some happiness to hopefully brighten up your day!

Have a very happy Wednesday!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

i'm a little ridiculous

Wow. I have a confession MAJOR.

I need one of these:

I counted and I have 73 pairs of shoes!

That's a little over-the-top.
At least I wear them all?

Monday, April 18, 2011

I feel like a murderer...

And maybe it's because I am :(
Let me explain.

Anyone who knows me knows that I am obsessed with frozen yogurt and will take any chance
I can to have some of that yummy deliciousness.
So naturally tonight my brother and I go to try the new one in town.
It's fab.

But obviously that's not really the story here.
[just a lovely side note since I love my froyo]
We were driving home and this really stupid bird seriously lands right in front of my car.
Can I brake? no.
Can I scream? YES!
Poor birdy...I almost cried but was just in too much shock. I literally felt sick to my stomach
after seeing all those feathers flying around.
[and not to mention the actual noise of the poor bird's death]
It's the first animal I've ever hit with my car and to say the least- I am still in shock.
Don't judge me.

So R.I.P. bird.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

my weekend in pictures

I did a whole lot this weekend.
And then I did a whole bunch of nothing important.

I will let the pictures speak for themselves.

A night on the town in Portland! I wish I had more pictures on my camera because it was a fun night, but this is what I've got to show you.

I wish I could say this was my bed. Because I spent a whole lot of time sleeping in mine after our girls night.

I took the best bath. No this isn't my bathtub with the cool floating lights...but I did light some candles!

homework. blah. nuff said.

Spent some time reading this fantastic book. I HIGHLY recommend it.

I also cleaned, ate, worked out [luckily...] and spent most of my time in sweats. None of that seems picture-worthy right now, but it was definitely awesome.

I hope that you had a fabulous weekend! :)

Thursday, April 14, 2011

fabs&flops friday!

Sorry I missed last week...I got wayy busy.
But fabs&flops is back!
Here goes!

- walking to class and awkwardly running into the teacher (walking the other direction mind you) whose said class you are going to and not really knowing what to say. AWKWARD.
- the weather's identity crisis. it's spring in case you didn't get the memo.
- trying a new church for the first time and making a grand entrance by tripping through the doorway and then proceeding to walk between two people who are about to shake hands. yeah sorry...
- that particular visit from mother nature that I swear just loves to bring me so much pain.
- story: man comes flying out of nowhere on his bike right in front of me while I'm driving (almost hit him), I lightly honk just to let him that is not okay and HE FLIPS ME OFF! now tell me, who's in the wrong here?

- employee appreciation week at work! talk about fabulous treats and goodies!
- my trooper of an umbrella that has held up for over 2 years through the nasty almost-hurricanes, I'm tellin' ya- that thing deserves an award.
- getting a raise at work. always a plus!
- going to target, finding some AMAZING items and buying them all. If you haven't been lately, it's a must. GO!
- 2 fabulous friend's birthday BBQs this week. I'm so blessed to know such lovely ladies!
Tonight we are going to Portland to celebrate all 3 of our birthdays- I can't wait!
- taking out my belly ring. It was time for that thing to go.
- the pretty daffodils that have been in bloom- they are so cheerful!

Have a fantastic weekend friends! I've got so much going on, so I will see you next week :)

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

3 good things

{boots: payless, jeans: ross, tank&sweater: AE, bracelet: gift, ring: gift, necklace: F21}

I have had a lot of really wonderful things happen to me in the last 24 hours!

Let me tell you 3 [that way I can save some for my fabs tomorrow!].

1. car insurance bill came in and was down by half!
[getting older really does help!]

2. I was gym-bound yesterday and was determined to get a good workout in besides the treadmill runs I've been doing at home. Success: did the stair-stepper for half an hour, the elliptical for 10 minutes and abs for 10 minutes. Work it!

3. got my time sheet. worked (a lot) more hours than I thought = happy times for me!

Have a fantastic Thursday! I'm in class from 10-7 today. Good times. But hey tomorrow I get to go back to the hospital and hang out with my patients!
Oh- before I forget- I think it's time for a new {make a difference} post! please
contact me if you're interested! It can be anything- big or "small"! :)

thai chicken: check!

Last night was my turn to make dinner.
[not really. I totally volunteered]
Those domestic skills of mine are growing. I decided to make thai chicken and broccoli for dinner and macaroons for dessert.
Chicken: FABULOUS.
Macaroons: not so much...

Take a peek!

I may or may not have shed a couple of tears in the process of making this meal.
[not just from the onions either!]
I totally didn't even have the noodles for the chicken and was so flustered and had to run to the store in the middle of my cooking.
[I'm a baby...]
Clearly, I am always prepared for everything.
But it turned out delicious and then after I had a nice helping (and the parents had seconds), I went for a run and watched the biggest loser.
[love that show!]

Tonight I have a hot date.
Yep, you heard me.
I've got a date with my nail polish, the bath tub and the fabulous book I'm reading.
[It's called Captured by Grace. check it.]


Have a great night dears!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

tag!...I'm it!

Alright friends, here it is. My girl Hilary over at the Young and Naive tagged me in the handwriting game. Here's how it goes:
There are 8 questions and you have to write the answers down on a piece of
paper and flaunt that penmanship to all readers. Now let's be honest here- I have never been
a huge fan of my handwriting. Oh well, now it's out there for you to see!

The questions:

1. Name/blog name
2. Blog URL
3. Copy "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog"
4. Favorite quote
5. Favorite song
6. Something you say all the time
7. Favorite artist or band
8. Friends whose handwriting you'd like to see!


- Eva

Lets go girls! And don't forget to link back to me here!

By the way, my body is mad at me because I haven't been giving it very good rest lately.
I could really use one of these suckers.

Hope you have a wonderful day!

Monday, April 11, 2011

I've been really crafty lately

I just realized that I've made a few lot of crafts lately! Some of them are better than others.
Hey, I'm still a beginner...
Anyway, I just wanted to share and show you some of what I've been up to.

Let me know what you think!

{A wall quilt}

{beaded necklace}

{orange flower: a ring, blue and white: necklace}



{cork-board [I know super simple...not much of a project] }