Thursday, April 14, 2011

fabs&flops friday!

Sorry I missed last week...I got wayy busy.
But fabs&flops is back!
Here goes!

- walking to class and awkwardly running into the teacher (walking the other direction mind you) whose said class you are going to and not really knowing what to say. AWKWARD.
- the weather's identity crisis. it's spring in case you didn't get the memo.
- trying a new church for the first time and making a grand entrance by tripping through the doorway and then proceeding to walk between two people who are about to shake hands. yeah sorry...
- that particular visit from mother nature that I swear just loves to bring me so much pain.
- story: man comes flying out of nowhere on his bike right in front of me while I'm driving (almost hit him), I lightly honk just to let him that is not okay and HE FLIPS ME OFF! now tell me, who's in the wrong here?

- employee appreciation week at work! talk about fabulous treats and goodies!
- my trooper of an umbrella that has held up for over 2 years through the nasty almost-hurricanes, I'm tellin' ya- that thing deserves an award.
- getting a raise at work. always a plus!
- going to target, finding some AMAZING items and buying them all. If you haven't been lately, it's a must. GO!
- 2 fabulous friend's birthday BBQs this week. I'm so blessed to know such lovely ladies!
Tonight we are going to Portland to celebrate all 3 of our birthdays- I can't wait!
- taking out my belly ring. It was time for that thing to go.
- the pretty daffodils that have been in bloom- they are so cheerful!

Have a fantastic weekend friends! I've got so much going on, so I will see you next week :)

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