Wednesday, April 13, 2011

thai chicken: check!

Last night was my turn to make dinner.
[not really. I totally volunteered]
Those domestic skills of mine are growing. I decided to make thai chicken and broccoli for dinner and macaroons for dessert.
Chicken: FABULOUS.
Macaroons: not so much...

Take a peek!

I may or may not have shed a couple of tears in the process of making this meal.
[not just from the onions either!]
I totally didn't even have the noodles for the chicken and was so flustered and had to run to the store in the middle of my cooking.
[I'm a baby...]
Clearly, I am always prepared for everything.
But it turned out delicious and then after I had a nice helping (and the parents had seconds), I went for a run and watched the biggest loser.
[love that show!]

Tonight I have a hot date.
Yep, you heard me.
I've got a date with my nail polish, the bath tub and the fabulous book I'm reading.
[It's called Captured by Grace. check it.]


Have a great night dears!


Ashley said...

i love that tears were shed in the making of this chicken. i shed lots of tears in my kitchen. but it looks SOOO good. hope you had fun on your hot date! :)

anyaadores said...

So funny that you had a teary moment - looks amazingly yummy though - well done :O)