Saturday, January 22, 2011


I realize it's been a while since I've written but hey sometimes life just happens. God has really been teaching me a lot of new things in the past few weeks of this new year. I have been participating in the k-love challenge and listening to only Christian music for 30 days. It's made a huge difference in my attitude- while I am doing homework, dealing with everyday pressures of life, and even in my attitude while I am driving [yes, I do have road rage..].
I've been asking God during this time that He will flood my thoughts with Him and that He will show me how I can be more of a godly woman. One of my new year's resolutions has been to read the whole Bible from beginning to end. I've done this before, but this time I really want God to show me more of His character and that in every chapter I can get something new from Him.
He is always so faithful. One morning as I was listening to k-love, they were talking about visions for the new year. They challenged those listening to come up with a one-word vision for the new year and to live life to achieve that vision. This seemed like SUCH a great idea to me! I immediately knew what God wants me to do for this new year. SERVE. In 2011 I want to grow more in the area of service- serving the Lord wholeheartedly while learning more about who He is, serving others above myself, and becoming a woman who can serve and love no matter what. So far this has been a wonderful challenge and a great adventure. I am excited to see what this wonderful year will bring!
What kind of visions or resolutions have you made? :)

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