Friday, February 4, 2011

[happy friday]

oh friday...I love this day. There is always a sense of accomplishment that comes from knowing I made it through a long week. This particular friday has gone especially well.

It started off as one of those days where I just could not open my eyes for the life of me and when even after the alarm went off
[several times]
I still could not get motivated to get up for my 8 am class. I finally rolled out of bed and right before I was about to leave I
checked my email only to find that class had been canceled! And what did I do? guessed it- went right back to sleep. When I finally got up like 3 hours later, I went to campus to turn in an assignment and had my money ready for the meter only to find that the person before had left early and it still had 20 minutes left! I mean has already been so good. I'm so excited to have a 3 day weekend! Today I get to go to my old boss's retirement party and I am so excited! Then I get to go spend the evening with my wonderful parents. Tomorrow I'm headed to the beach for the day and sunday is the SUPERBOWL!
[go packers!]

Hope you have a happy friday and a fab weekend! :)

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