Wednesday, April 6, 2011

{my 21st!}

It's a couple days late but here are some pictures from my birthday!
[be prepared there's a few!]

{the lovely taryn}

{dear julia & christina}

{the wonderful corinne}

{fabulous lauren}

{sweet eunice and karen}

{my dearest alyssa}

{my first legal drink: a bellini!}

I totally forgot to get a group photo, but nevertheless it was so fun spending my evening with such amazing women!
My day was spent shopping with my mom and I topped it off perfectly by spending time with some great friends, yummy food and a couple of delicious drinks!

I'm also excited to show you some of the new additions to my closet.
[sorry, I'm not going to post all of the new stuff right now! you'll have to wait- I know the anticipation is just killing you...]
But first we need the coldy weather to go away and bring on some heat! :)

1 comment:

Hilary Ayers-Kurtz said...

Love the dress and Happy Birthday! Isn't it great being twenty-one! Oh, and everytime I got on your blog, I love the music! Good choices!