Thursday, April 21, 2011

these are my confessions

I got an idea from this girl and this girl (I love both of their blogs!) for a
confessions post.

1. I confess that I rarely ever make my bed. I'm more of a "throw-the-covers-back-over-the-mattress-so-the-bed-looks-made" kind of gal. (did I just say gal?)

2. I confess that I make a to-do list every single day. I usually fill it up with stuff that needs to be done over the course of 3-4 days and get overwhelmed when I don't cross off at least half the list. (I like to give myself stress headaches...)
(I need one like this!)

3. I confess that sometimes when I have nothing to do I will work out for the second or sometimes even third time that day.
(that's so bad.)

4. I confess that I still sometimes rock out to 90's music and sing into my hairbrush. Okay...I do this more than sometimes... ;)

5. I confess that if I see a snake I will cry. And not just a couple of tears. We are talking full on bawl-fest and sometimes there is fainting involved.
(I literally almost threw up when I googled "snakes")

6. I confess that I watch old re-runs online. My favorites are The Nanny, I Love Lucy, I Dream of Jeenie, and Golden Girls. (I'm so pathetic)

7. I confess that I am a little OCD. I didn't realize this until I lived on my own, but I cannot stand not having a clean room. (minus the bed thing obv.) I vacuum at least twice a week and dust about the same. I love my clean space!

8. I confess that the thought of eating, smelling, or looking at beef stew makes me nauseated.
Even when I was little I couldn't ever eat it. So then I would be forced to finish it at breakfast the next day. You could say I'm scarred for life.

9. I confess that when I am on the phone sometimes I completely zone out and just say "uh-huh" while I am really doing something else. (I cannot believe I just confessed that)

10. I confess that I have the worst luck with all kinds of technology and that I swear I will declare world war 3 on it someday. My current phone is all taped up so that it won't fall apart anymore and the hinge on my laptop completely broke one day. I would also like to say that no I didn't drop either one. They just hate me. Along with all the other technology that's been in my life.

Got any juicy confessions yourself?

Have a fab earth day and wonderful EASTER weekend friends!


jenna ♥ a little blue said...

we have a lot in common such as

#1, #2, #7, #9...

and i confess, sometimes i intentionally avoid listening to my voicemails. i have no idea why, but i just do :)

Unknown said...

This is so funny! I confessed to most of them!

xo Kristin

Unknown said...

Nice post, here's another interesting one cgi product photography