I'm going to start a new series.
100 facts about me.
[whoa..that's a LOT]
I'll post 10 new ones every week- kapeesh?
You try it too! Just link back here and let me know so I can read all about you! :)
Alrighty, here we go.
1. I secretly want to be in the witness protection program. I mean how cool would it be to live a life where it was constantly intense? pretty cool.
2. I carry my water bottle EVERYWHERE. I'm just incomplete without it.
3. I'm so so sad that Oprah is ending! Like I can't believe it. That woman has been on TV since before I was born and I used to come home after school and watch her everyday. *tear*
4. I have been to 22 states and have road-tripped from Ohio to Oregon 3 times all before I was 13.
5. I am a sushi believer. I love that stuff!
{too bad I don't know how to eat with chopsticks}
6. One time I gave my brother the Heimlich Maneuver and saved his life from choking. I was little and so was he..I think I saw it on a cartoon once? Either way, I'm glad it worked!
7. I still love playing dress up. Always have. Always will.
8. I swear I'm in love with ice cream.
will you marry me?
9. I love to garden and can't wait to can this summer with my mom! We have jam, peaches, green beans, salsa, and dehydrating fruit planned up our sleeves right now.
10. I'm good with numbers. A math freak. Whatever. I've always been able to remember them.
I hope you'll join me!
I'm from Ohio!! Ice cream is my lover #2, I place dress up everyday, I suck at math, and I am definitely doing this too! You got me hooked!
This is such a great post! Love to get to know you better this way! I love sushi too, can't live without my water & I'm sad about Oprah too :) Thanks for your sweet comment, love this blog...following you :)
This is too funny because I was thinking of doing the same thing! So, naturally, I will join in! :)
aww darn! why didn't I know you in high school and/or college! I needed so much math help!
I road tripped all by myself to Arizona last summer... biggest/best adventure of my life.
I have already done so many facts about myself posts that I've run out of facts ; )
what a cute post! i recently took a sushi making class with my boyfriend - it's a lot of fun, especially if you love sushi! i'd totally recommend it!
sorelle in style
oprah ending? seriously? i've got to start paying attention to the media...
love oprah! and sushi, and ice cream... at least those are still on.
thats awesome about saving your brother. great post!
check out my coach giveaway! http://sahm27.blogspot.com/
Fun post! I am a huge fan of sushi, too :)
xo Cara
love this series! can't wait for the next 9 posts! im a math nerd too ;)
hey, this is a neat idea. i love sushi too, my husband and i could live off that stuff :)
fun facts!! I also love ice cream, but I don't like sushi. And I'm working on bringing water with me everywhere :)
hey, really interesting :D Love the idea of the 100 questions :D Maybe I'll try it... but I would need to think hard for getting to 100 hahahah... I love sushi too!!
☆ Bereniice ☆
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