Friday, June 3, 2011

well THAT was weird.

Sorry for being so MIA lately.  Things are gettin crazy up in here.
First, my brother graduates high school tonight.
where did the time go?
I graduate next week.
cue Hallelujah chorus.
But first come finals which means lots and lots and did I say LOTS of studying.
Which is why I barely ever changed out of sweatshirts and sweats this week.

But of course me and my awkward self encountered some lovely moments lately, some of which I need to share with you.

1. me sitting at stop light. singing my little heart out. car pulls up next to mine. I look over. old man with no teeth, 3 chins, long ponytail and bald on top waves and smiles realllll big.  I cringe. pretty sure I say gross and maybe he even saw.  he looked something like this.
minus the beard.

2.  *this one was a month-ish ago*  sunday morning.  I decide to try a new church with a friend.  down a large amount of coffee before getting there. need to use restroom ASAP.  get to the church and use said restroom 3 times before service is over.  walk into the church and trip over the entrance.  stumble and try to catch my footing. meanwhile I fall between two people who are about to shake hands.  
oh hey, I'm Jenn just making my grand entrance. Nice to meet you.

3.  it's night time and I'm exhausted.  so of course I go to bed early.  about to fall asleep. all of a sudden hear pitbull's "I know you want me" come on pretty loud.  think it's maybe perhaps my grandparents across the hall gettin jiggy with it.  try to never think of that again.  realize it's my ipod which randomly turned on in my backpack.
should I be creeped out or relieved?

Happy Friday loves!
I promise I'll be back next week regularly. :)

1 comment:

Raquel said...

Good luck on the finals girly!