Saturday, May 21, 2011

a basically nothing post

Something about this picture speaks "peaceful" to me :)

I am trying to still process the events in my life that have taken place in the last 24 hours. 
This is not the time for me to talk about it. Maybe someday. But for now here's this quote that I just love.

"Instead of giving myself reasons why I can't, I give myself reasons why I can." ~ unknown


Joy said...

Not sure what is going on, but know you're being thought of! And I'm going to use your quote so I can remember it every day when I think I can't go exercise! And thanks for your sweet comment.

Zara said...

No matter what it is, you can do it. The picture is peaceful and reassuring. There is always a good and bright side to every story :-)

Hilary Ayers-Kurtz said...

Beautiful post, and remember everything that happens, happens for a reason. If you need a good giggle check out my post I'm putting up in a few minutes. You will laugh, it is guaranteed, over my stupidity.

Unknown said...

This is beautiful. Thanks for sharing. The ocean sets my mind at ease and hearts, well who doesn't love them :)