Monday, May 23, 2011

Golden Jubilee

First off, I want to apologize- I didn't realize how grim my post the other day must've sounded to you.
I'm still processing everything, but honestly I know that it will all be worth it one day.
Someday I will share my story with you, but for now I hope that this will do... :)

The other night I was working an event for a bunch of elderly folks who had graduated from OSU all the way back in the 60s, 50s and even in the 40s (so crazy!).  All of the people were so cute and old and just so happy.
The men were all complete gentlemen to their ladies and you could just tell how much they adored one another.

Towards the end of the night there was a band that played a bunch of old music- like Frank Sinatra style- and there was a chance for couples to dance if they'd like to. 
It. was. ADORABLE.
I was so enthralled just watching how happy these couples were and found myself envying how 
much that they had grown to love each other over the years.

This is an honest moment here: At times I really wonder if I will ever catch someone's eye and if I will have the opportunity to share my life and grow old loving someone.  Ever wonder that? or am I crazy?
Either way, watching those couples that night just made me so excited for the future fairy tale that I will get to experience.  Until then, I'll just be a happy single gal. :)


sherri lynn said...

I love this picture! That couple is too cute! I hope my husband and I are like that when we get old :)

Hilary Ayers-Kurtz said...

I wonder this all the time! You are so not crazy. I'm like that with the guy I'm dating right now, but it took a while for me to find the one i want to spend my life with. And who knows if it will even work, but thats what I personally like. You never know what to expect :)

Raquel said...

Awww thats SO cute!!

Ashleigh said...

Ah, I adore the elders :) They know how to live!
Don't worry, you'll find it!