Tuesday, May 31, 2011

weekend snapshot


smoothies before 2 hour zumba party

right before zumba party.

at zumba. they had the lights off with disco lights going and a stage for all of the instructors. it was intense!
please excuse all levels of nastiness in this photo and please remember we were working out.


went to best friends house and gabbed our hearts away, and ate cupcakes and candy.
Then of course we watched Tangled.

and Mamma Mia.

and has anyone seen this? My Big Fat Gypsy Wedding. it's absolutely ridiculously, yet when I watch it I can't look away.  i'm so intrigued by their culture.

Monday was a nice little senior send-off party at work with lots of yummy food and fabulous gifts!

Hope you had a fantastic weekend :)


Holly said...

Those smoothies look so good, and a 2 hour Zumba party?! How cool! I've never seen that show but I'll look into it...looks kinda crazy! Glad you had a great weekend!

sherri lynn said...

Sounds like a fun Zumba party! I've never watched My Big Fat Gypsy Wedding, but just saw it as we were scrolling through channels the other night. I'll have to check it out!

Hilary Ayers-Kurtz said...

MY Big Fat Gypsy Wedding? What?? I'm intrigued and Zumba is the coolest thing ever!!!!! That is beyond cool that you got to do that! Have a great weekend!