Sunday, June 5, 2011

aaaand he did it!

My baby brother graduated high school on Friday evening.
I am so proud of the wonderful man that he has become.  I admire him and could not be more proud of how far he has come.
okay, I'm done being mushy.
Today is also my grandparents 49th wedding anniversary. Love it!
Theirs is a wonderful example of what a marriage should look like.
I promise I'm done gushing now!

Friday night was the graduation ceremony.
Sunday, a family BBQ.

Take a peek. :)

The family

Me and the graduate

Dinner BBQ

 Menu: Ribs, potato salad, corn rolls, salad, strawberry milkshakes
it's either go big or go home in this house

Layered Raspberry Dessert

So proud!

My tummy is still screaming from all the food it has in it.

Hope you had a fantastic weekend :)


Alicia said...

Oooh congrats to your brother & grandparents! So cute! Lovely photos, looks like you guys had a great time!


Unknown said...

Congrats to your brother and grandparents of course! :)

sherri lynn said...

Sounds like a great family weekend!