Sunday, February 27, 2011

sunday's revelation

First of all I would like to send out a great big thank you to Frills for Thrills for featuring me in her latest post!
It was so much fun and great blogging opportunity!
[thank you Frills!]

Today is what I like to call a very lazy day. I have done nothing worth mentioning really.
[ya know..just watched 3 movies and laid in bed since I've been sick..]
But I've been thinking a lot lately about how much of a difference I want to make and the impact I want to have. I have started reading
the Purpose Driven Life- such a great book! I would highly recommend it. Anyway, some stuff has been going on in my life lately
[both good! and bad]
that has made me want to dig deeper into my purpose here on earth and how I can further better God's kingdom. Remember how I told you I have some good news here? Well, I am super excited about it! And then yesterday I kind of got blind-sided by some things and it made me question a lot about why I am here and why bad things have to happen. I have been having to constantly tell myself God is in control and nothing and no one can change that. So needless to say, even in the last 24 hours God has been faithful to soften my heart and attitude to
one that desires to focus on Him and not on the bad things. This is huge for me people. I tend
to worry a lot and when I worry I can easily become consumed by the problem or even begin to make up bad scenarios in my head and worry about those.
[how silly.]
As a dear friend of mine who is now with Jesus once told me
"Don't look at bad things as problems, they are opportunities. Opportunities to become closer to God and to become a stronger person."
[don't you just love that?!]
So folks, I am declaring right here that those things will not consume me and I will choose instead to trust in the Lord. Besides, I am not going to let those things take away the happiness I got with all my good news this week! :)
Oh, I guess I should share that. I won't share all of it though.
[ya know, that way you'll come back!]
I am so excited and blessed to have the opportunity to work at the hospital for my practicum this spring! I went there on Friday to talk with them about my hours and asked the gal if I would be able to do a summer internship and she said
I am so excited! This has been my dream for so long and now I can finally see the light at the end of the school tunnel. :) Praise God, right?!


I want to leave you with some happy thoughts. So here you go!

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart
and lean not on your own understanding;
in all your ways acknowledge him,
and he will make your paths straight."
Proverbs 3: 5-6

I hope you have had a happy weekend
[and maybe a lazy sunday like me!]
God bless!

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