Thursday, June 30, 2011

48 cupcakes later...

Today is one of my old coworker's retirement party!
Which of course requires some type of yummy treat that I wanted to contribute, so I made some cupcakes.
Buttermilk yellow cupcakes with strawberry frosting to be exact.

I may or may not have eaten one already.
okay 2...

I am short on time right now, but I will be sure to post the recipe later!
:) xoxo

Monday, June 27, 2011

little things that make me smile :) link up!

I hope you had a wonderful weekend! I know I sure did. Mine consisted of planting those pictured flowers (plus lots more that aren't pictured!), laying out by the pool, a little bit of work, and maybe a drink or two.  I was just so happy that I was finally able to get outside in the sun :)

Here are some more little things that make me smile.
Make sure to link up!

...singing at the top of your lungs with the windows down in the car

...watching a sunset

...sleeping on clean sheets fresh out of the dryer

...cold drinks on hot days

...looking at pictures down memory lane


...eating fresh berries

...being able to laugh at yourself when you make a mistake

...making someone else smile

Don't forget to link up! :)

Friday, June 24, 2011

this is kind of overdue

shirt: AE, pants: kohls, bracelets: gift, headband: target

I haven't done an outfit post in like...forever!
Sorry, I guess that sometimes life just gets insane and you've gotta roll with it :)
Life has been CUH-RAZYYY lately. I'm putting in 30+ hours a week at my internship and then working 
at my job 20-30 hours a week.  Plus I've been sick lately and didn't have a voice for
4 days straight. Cool :) but hey, now my voice is almost back, I freaking love my internship, and my job is 
bringing in the dough. 
Perfect. :)

Have a happy weekend!

Thursday, June 23, 2011

some like it hot

Tonight I made some spicy Hong Kong Chicken for dinner.
mmm mmm was it delicious!

Guys, I'm getting better at cooking!
cue Hallelujah chorus.

Here are some pictures to fancy your curiosity :)

This recipe can easily be made more or less spicy which is great depending on the kind of people you
are serving it to!

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

facts 4

I missed last week guys!

But here's more facts and almost halfway to my 100!

31. I am a little OCD and you could call me a clean freak.

32. I am currently obsessed with Pina Coladas and especially with summer here, I want one everyday.

33. I do not have Bieber fever.

34. If I could go back to any era in the 1900's I think it'd be the 20's. maybe the 80's though.

35.  Despite the fact that I don't like living and growing up in a small town, I don't think I could
handle living in a really busy city.

36. I really like hats. All kinds. But I'm too afraid to wear them usually.

37.  I still sometimes wake up from a nightmare and want my mom to come in my room
and cuddle with me til I fall back asleep.
I know, I'm so pathetic and should probably grow up...

38. I purposely try to make a good lasting impression to the people I meet.

39.  I really don't care what people think of me and I'm not afraid to be who I am.

40. Which leads me to this fact...I'm currently kinda sorta obsessed with this song...

:) xoxo

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

time on the town and Tim McGraw concert!

This last weekend was so much fun!
Friday I went with some friends up to Portland and we had a delicious lunch at P.F. Changs then headed
a little farther north to see The Band Perry, Luke Bryan and Tim McGraw play in concert!

Here are some pictures to satisfy your curiosity.
cuz I really knew you were wondering

Have a happy Tuesday! :)

Monday, June 20, 2011

little things that make me smile :) link up!

... awesome photography

...the smell of a new car

...laying and looking at stars on a really dark night

...the feeling you get after having a productive day

...laughing so hard that you cry

...leftover chinese food

...waking up to breakfast in bed

...eating ice cream cones

...watching little kids play at the park

...riding a bike

...hugs and kisses

Link up! :)

Sunday, June 19, 2011

just preparin'

 Today I have cleaned the bathrooms, vacuumed the house, dusted the house, cleaned the kitchen, mowed the lawn, walked the dog, done laundry, and I'm about to bake banana bread.

Just getting my domestic skills on.  I like to think of it as preparing to be a good wife.
We'll see. :)

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

you just might not want to leave

Even though it hasn't been very hot here lately, I still adore Oregon.
even despite how every winter I always swear I am moving south.

There's just so much to do here! 
I mean, let me convince you.

Careful, though. After people visit, they're generally hooked and love this place.

Honestly, we've got it all. Let me show you!

crater lake

the ocean beaches

the desert

gorgeous waterfalls

so much hiking it's not even funny

mountains surrounding the beautiful valley

and yes, we even have big cities

I figured I should take time to be grateful for the beautiful place that I am blessed to live in.
If you ever visit be prepared to stay a while! :)
and this is coming from someone who moved here from the Midwest!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

it's all over...

That's right folks!  This weekend was my college graduation ceremony!
But I didn't go.
I decided that I wanted to spend the day with my family instead of being separated all day at the ceremony.
Plus my brother was super sick and I wanted to just be with the family.
We did go out to a really delicious lunch though. 

And I got some pictures in the cap and gown.

So that's what I was busy doing this weekend.
oh and having a graduation party. with some super yummy cupcakes.
I'll share the recipe later this week! :)


Monday, June 13, 2011

little things that make me smile :)

So this girl has had a super crazy busy weekend/life the last few days and the blogging had to be put off a little bit. 
I will tell you more about it tomorrow, mk? 

little things that make me smile

...all of the above pictures that we took this weekend

...listening to the rain right outside your window

...waking up to a sweet text message

...reading a really good book

...when someone you love gives you a hug

...fresh flowers on the table

...receiving snail-mail

...walking barefoot in the sand

...getting all dressed up for a date

...nail polish

...holding a puppy

Link up pretties! :)